Choosing between automatic and manual

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Choosing between automatic and manual

Car talk can be very interesting, well for the Farchis team, car talk is like our oxygen. When our clients bring in their cars, they always ask questions, we are happy to answer. One popular question is whether its better to have a manual or an automatic car. The answer to this question is not always an A or B kind. The honest truth is you get different people who prefer the one or the other for various reasons. The best is to know the differences then you can choose the one that best suits your needs, preferences and style of driving. So, what is the difference between a manual and automatic car?

The major difference between the two is in the transmission, this is the method which the car uses to move from one gear to the other. In a manual transmission the driver is responsible for shifting gears by manipulating the clutch and the gas pedals. In an automatic, the car automatically shifts and changes gears. Already here you want to start thinking if you are a do it on my own person or if you are happy leaving it to the vehicle.

What are the benefits of an automatic transmission?

The obvious response is the convenience of not having to worry about shifting gears. This is ideal for the driver that is either just starting out or the one that just wants less to worry about when driving and would rather just focus on the driving. Talking to a lot of new drivers, they always express their fear of moments when the car stalls while in traffic. Well, if you are greatly concerned about that you may want to go automatic as the chances there are greatly reduced. A stall with an automatic, signals the need for a visit to the workshop. If you have been having that issue lately, contact us and make an appointment.

You may also want to consider an automatic if the terrain in your area is one with steeps, inclines and winding roads. The car automatically changes gears without you having to do it so constantly.  The same advice applies to drivers who do the rush hour commute and get stuck in traffic for stretched periods. The constant stop and go can become very tedious if driving a manual.

The downside? Firstly, the maintenance and replacement of automatics is also generally a bit more costly. Most people prefer to learn how to drive using a manual and then later learn how to drive the automatic. This is because if you start with the automatic, at some point, due to various reasons, you may find yourself behind the wheel of a manual. The adjustment would then be a bit of a struggle.

Now, let’s talk manual.

We all know that one person who will not trade their manual vehicle for anything, well, except another manual. These are the people who usually want full control of their driving experience and would like to save on fuel consumption as well as wear and tear of their brakes. Manual cars are generally cheaper to purchase compared to their automatic counterparts. Maintenance and repair costs are generally lower.

However, times are changing with a lot of advancements in technology. Automatics are also becoming more fuel efficient and more prominent as new drivers are opting for them because they are easier to drive.  Manuals are therefore becoming difficult to resell at a good price.

Well, there you have it. It really is a matter of preference and one’s circumstances. The good news is whichever your choice the Farchis team is ready to help with maintenance and repairs on both options.

By |2020-02-17T12:51:10+00:00January 17th, 2020|Categories: Mechanic support, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments

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