I can safely conclude that driving on Zimbabwean roads ranks amongst the worst in the sub-region, if not in the world.
I can also say that I have seen the behavior on the roads worsen as the years progressed. The reasons for this can be debated.
What is clear to me is that some authority has to intervene and bring sanity and observance of the road laws and rules.
This is urgently needed as our roads are progressively getting more chaotic and dangerous.
Driving in other countries is orderly, drivers display maturity and sensibility on the roads. Maybe it’s also due to the fact that their enforcement is professional and strictly to the letter of the law.
Driving through an uncontrolled intersection in South Africa is a breeze. They all respect the vehicle they find already at the intersection, giving it the right of way. Hence order is maintained and there are no congestions at intersections.
In our country, it’s survival of the fittest, raw animalistic behavior, with some animals even behaving better.
On our roads, it’s now commonplace to see three lanes where there should be one. Some drivers dare oncoming traffic, with their hazards flashing, their headlights on, in a way to intimidate oncoming drivers off the road.
And all the above is happening in broad daylight, with no consequences.
This begs the question of where is law enforcement, or are they helpless? Sometimes all this happens as they watch.
I think, though, that order and change begin with the individual driver. Be the change that you would want, follow the law. Do not go with the flow.
It also seems there are a lot of unlicensed drivers on the roads. This is obviously a serious hazard on the roads.
What is astounding is that there are drivers who go through red lights without a care in the world! How can this be?
I think we all have a responsibility to keep our society orderly, and safe to live in.
Change for the better starts with you.
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